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Hi-5 | Season 13 Best Songs | Dance Songs for Kids | hi-5 World

Duration: 35:07Views: 3.6KLikes: 32Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Hi-5 World

Category: Entertainment

Tags: kids songshi 5 season 13high fivehigh 5season 13 best songskids showchildrens videoschildren's songshi5childrenmusic for kidshi 5 best songshi-5kidschildren's showhi 5hi 5 dancehi 5 dance songsdance songs for kidshi 5 songskids dancekids songchildrensfull episodeshi-5 season 13

Description: Watch and dance to some of the Best Songs from Hi-5 World Season 13. Keep watching the video for more dance songs for kids. ➤ Subscribe to our channel for lot more fun shows bit.ly/3CjeToV ➤ Listen to the Best collection on Hi-5 Songs: goo.gl/k3Fv2k ➤ Watch the Best Episodes of Hi5: goo.gl/ieMgqu ➤ About Hi-5 Tv Series: Explore the power of the imagination with Hi-5. A dynamic program filled with positivity, involving entertainment grounded in the energetic world of the preschool child. Through its catchy music and joyful exploration of dance and movement, Hi-5 encourages all children to enjoy being physically active while learning!! ➤ Follow us on Social Media 📲 ►FACEBOOK: facebook.com/hi5official ►TWITTER: twitter.com/hi5world ►INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/hi5world #Hi5 #Hi5World #Hi5Songs #Hi5Official #Hi5World #KidsSongs #SongsForChildren

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